Student Leadership University
Philippians: Learning to Lead as a Disciple of Jesus
Philippians: Learning to Lead as a Disciple of Jesus
Division. Disagreement. Tension. Whether, you’re describing the first century or today, the adjectives remain the same. How can we learn to lead, influence, and shine like stars in such a divided culture? Paul’s letter to the Philippians offers a great place to begin.
This seven-session Bible study dives deeply into this love letter to a people the apostle poured his heart and soul into. It will give you fresh insight into familiar verses and point you to the path of real influence. And it all starts at the feet of Jesus.
Additional purchase or rental of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book. Check out the corresponding video curriculum here and digital e-book copy here.
Get each book for $10 when you order 10 or more! Use code Philippians10.